
Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Tāne Māhuta - Rubbish Day

Tāne Māhuta

Today 7/8Al, 7/8Mt, 7/8Wh, 7/8Ts had a day picking up rubbish around the school. So today was about making our school Hornby High clearer and healthier.

Today we went to 4 places around the school to pick up rubbish. First we went to the compost bin by the garden. Class 7/8Al, 7/8Mt cleared the rubbish away from the soil, weeds and broken tree. Secondly we went to the tennis courts near the compost bin by the garden. Class 7/8Wh, 7/8Ts cleared the rubbish from the bushes around the fencing. Thirdly all 4 classes went to the back field to clear the rubbish away. Fourthly all 4 classes went to the end part of school by Carmen Road.

While picking up rubbish we found some weird items. Like: a phone, a $5 dollar note, some smokes, some alcohol bottles that had been smashed into parts and more. We also found: plastic bottles, chips packets and more.

Here's some photo as a group...

Start Picking Up Rubbish.
Even If You See Some That You Don't Drop.

Friday, February 22, 2019

Chromatography - Science

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

Definition: A technique for separating the different parts of a mixture / solid using liquid.

Related image
Related image

Rainbow paper


1. Filter paper 
2. Container
3. Felts - {Black, Red and Green} 
4. Water 
5. Pencil
6. Ruler 


Step 1: With a ruler and pencil and at the bottom of the filter paper rule 1 cm, after that rule the top of the filter paper 2 cm. 
Step 2: With 3 colored felts {Black, Red & Green} Put a small circle on the pencil line using each color.

Step 3: At the 2 cm pencil line we folded it back.

Step 4: After that we hooked the bent part on the container, and left it there.
Step 5: The teacher came around and poured water into the container. 

Step 6: After the water went in. We had to wait and after a few seconds the colors started rises to the top of the filter paper.

Findings: Write about what happened. As you can see once the water went in the container, the 3 colors from the felt pens started rising to the top of the filter paper.

Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?  That water can make felt pens rise on filter paper.



1. Petrie dish  
2. 5 Skittles {Purple, Green, Red, Yellow and Orange}  

3. Water 


Step 1: As a group we went up to the teacher and got a petrie dish that had five different colored skittles 
{Purple, Green, Red, Yellow and Orange} in it.

Step 2: When we got the petrie dish with the 5 different colors, we set the skittles {Purple, Green, Red, Yellow and Orange} on the sides with the same lengths apart.

Step 3: The teacher came around and poured some water into the petrie dish.  

Step 4: After the water went in. We had the wait and after a few seconds the colored started evacuating.  

Step 5: When the progress finished, as a group we shared the skittles because we were allowed to eat them. 

Findings: Write about what happened. As you can see once the water went in the petire dish the 5 skittles started dissolving.  

Reflection: What have I learnt from this experiment?  That water can make skittles dissolve in color.

What did the colours do?  Once the skittle started dissolving, the water turned different colors. 

Did the colours mix together?  Yes the colors did mix's together.

Why or why not?  Only because when the skittles started dissolving the color started evacuating.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Dirty Water Experiment

Aim: To make a filtration plant using household materials.
Image result for filtration science experiment
Water Filtration Plant

Today 7/8Al and 7/8Wh had science, we did an experiment called dirty water. We worked in groups to do this experiment, in my group I had Addyson and Hope. This experiment actually made me learn something about the water in New Zealand. I learnt that it takes hours or days to make our water drinkable, so be thankful.  

What is filtration?
Filtration is separating solids from liquids by adding a medium through which only the liquid can pass. 

Examples are: 
  1. Kidney 
  2. Swimming pool
  3. A water jug
  4. Coffee plunger


  1. Bottle
  2. Filter paper
  3. Sand 
  4. Pebbles/Stones 
  5. Dirty water
  6. Scissors 


As a group we cut the bottle in half and timed the tops so they weren't sharp. 


As a group we put the top half of the bottle upside down in the bottom half of the bottle.

As a group we folded the filter paper in quarters and it was shaped like a cone. After folding the filter paper we added sand and patted it down like solid. After you do that pour pebbles/stones on top of the sand.   

As a group we added 2 cups of dirty water.  

As a group after adding the dirty water. We watched the water pour through the different ingredient in the funnel. 

Why it didn't go good?    - Conclusion

For this experiment the water was a meant to drip through but our poured, then slowly poured and then dripped fast.


Thursday, February 14, 2019

Stop Motion - Art

Two weeks ago 7/8Al and 7/8Wh are working together in art this term. For art we are using stop motion which for us is making a 20 second long film to present in week 9 at the end of term. We are either using plaster clay, lego or drawing on a whiteboard. We chose to use plaster clay. In my group is Myself, Latisha and Maddison. 

Characters we are using form a Roald Dahl Book: x2 Witches and a Potion Maker. 

Image result for Witch of Roald Dahl

What is your end outside?
For me and my group to complete a 20 second film by week 9. Also to have our storyboard and script finished before starting to film. 

What have you done so far to get there?
Completed our storyboard and half way thought finishing the script. Also sorted out the characters, costumes and props.

What do you still need to do?
Complete the script. Make the setting and characters. 

Brief outline of your story?
x2 Witches walk into the Position Maker shop. The Position Maker gives us poisonous position without us knowing. The next day we turn evil then we die. After us dying the Position Maker jumps all over us.