In PE for the past 3 weeks we have been doing Table Tennis and Juggling. In Table Tennis we were learning the basics of how to play and trying to hit the ball continuously 20 times. In Juggling we were learning how to juggle properly with one hand and both hands. But last week we were allowed to do some just dance and there was about 10 of us that did that. We did Rasputin, Vodovorot, Kill this love, Whip nae nae, Juju on that beat, Airplanes, We got the power and Footloose. These dances were a lot fun and especially when doing it with my friends.
In Table Tennis you have to have great coordination and at first mine wasn't that good then I started getting better as I played more. For Juggling you have to have great coordination. When I started juggling mine wasn't good and to this day I'm still working on it for Juggling. For Just Dance you need coordination and mine was really good but a couples of times my left and rights got mixed up.

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