Today 7/8 Al are having there first lesson with Miss Birtch teaching them. I'm really excited to have Miss Birtch teaching me as I've never worked with her before and also want to get to know her.
1) I really love playing sports and getting involved with things that are to do with being active.
2) My 3 favorite foods are butter chicken, tacos and ice cream. I could eat these foods everyday if I wanted but there not the healthier foods on the planet.
3) I have an amazing load of family and friends that I couldn't live without.
4) I love animals and I have a dog named Boof and a cat named Bubbles. These animals are so amazing and have a loving family that cares about them so much.
5) My all time favorite colour is blue and my less favorite colour is pink. I love the shades black, white and grey.
6) My favorite movie/season right now is called Riverdale and my favorite TV show is Shortland Street.
7) My favorite thing to do at school is hanging with friends but my favorite subject is P:E.
8) The things I love doing in my spare time is practicing netball, watching Netflix, hanging with friends, etc.
9) My perfect night would be watching a movie/season while eating my favorite foods.
I hope you learnt something new about me and we can get to know each other well...

Kia ora Shontelle
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing so many wonderful things about you, I feel like I know you better already! I remember we worked together for Business and Enterprise kete and I look forward to teaching you again.
I'm happy to hear you like PE, I hope we can incorporate some sports games into our Wednesday sessions!
- Miss Birtch