In the school holidays I competed in a international netball competition that was held at Hagley Park in town. Everybody played on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. The teams had to be there by 8-8:30am and the teams could leave after there last game of the day. The guests could arrive anywhere after 9am and leave whenever than wanted as well.
I played in a team that knew anybody because we were formed 24 hours before the whole tournament started. In my team I had Jane, Holly, Hannah, Eve, Jess, Ngakiha, Nyra and myself. My team was called the NZ All-sorts that wore Australian Five Rivers netball dressing for the competition.
Everyday was played 3 games and every game was played for 40 minutes in quarters. On Saturday we played Motivations,Revelation and Marian. On Monday we played Motivations, The Malaysians team and Merlins. On Tuesday we played The Australian team, The Malaysians team and Merlins. We had some loses and some wins. We placed 5th in our sections for this tournament.
On Tuesday after playing three games was presentations and my whole team got participation awards.