This is what my groups scones should have come out like:

This is what my groups scones came me out like:
Number of teaspoons that dissolved in 100ml of water
Baking soda
Table Salt
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Greatest achievement from last year:
Getting Year 8 1st in maori -Prize giving
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Subjects taken this term
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1: Hurumanu 3 (Social studies & Science)
2: Hurumanu 4 (English & Maths)
Physical Education
Option 1: Maori
Option 2: Home economics
Option 3: Visual arts
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Academic Goals
Short term (term):
To be confident in every class (eg; speak up)
Long Term (year):
To work towards getting awards this year at prize giving.
Non-academic goal (can be out of school):
Getting “Player of the year” in my netball this year.
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What are my learning strengths
What are my learning work ons
What will my next steps be?
How will I achieve this?