Ella West Visit
Here's a photo of Ella West:
Yesterday we were lucky enough to have a famous author come into our school and chat with us year 7&8's. She's the author of 'Night Vision' and 'Rain Fall' which are two books my class was able to read.
She lives two life's, which means two different names. Her real name is Karen Trebilcock and her author name is Ella West. Her first life is being around family and also being a journalist for South Land Times and Farming Magazines. Her second life is being an author. Something really funny is that her Mum always thinks that she's the mother in all her books but really she's not. She never gets distracted when writing her books which is pretty impressive.
Ella West was talking to us about how she got the ideas and how she created the books 'Night Vision' and 'Rain Fall'. She had continuous ideas for 'Night Vision' but her main idea was putting a murder in. She also watched a documentary about Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) and that's also when she decided to write 'Night Vision'. 'Night Vision' is about a girl named Viola who has a genetic condition called Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP). This genetic condition stops you from going into or near sunlight, if you go into or near sunlight you can get skin caner and die. She had continuous ideas for 'Rain Fall' but her main idea was basing it on coal mining. There were two main characters called Annie and Jake. The two main animals were horses called Tassie and Blue. It's also about murder and people losing their jobs.
Night Vision has won two awards called Young Adult LIANZA Award and New Zealand Children's Choice Award. Which means 'Night Vision' is a really amazing book to read. Night Vision has also been translated into Italian. Night Vision has had somebody steal the first cover.
Ella West had written her first ever book but it didn't get published due to not being good enough. She would constantly take the book to her publisher but they would always tell her to edit it.
Ella West is currently writing a book called 'Sound of my heart' which is based on a girl running marathons but she never comes first but always beats her time records.
Her books get published in New Zealand and Australia. Her name never gets on the "Best New-Zealander author because her books get published in both countries.
Ella West tries writing 1000 words per day and tries writing a maximum of 50,000 words per book.