Today Wednesday September 26th the year 7, 8, 9 and 10's had Market Day
My company was Marvelous Rainbow Cupcakes and we made 3 batches, they didn't work out but we made another batch and it worked. We ended up doing a sausage sizzle.
Today my favorite part was selling the sausages in beard with tomato sauce on top.
I liked doing the sausage sizzle with my group. I also liked meeting new people.
If i did it again I would not make rainbow cupcakes but instead I would make something like a main.
Wednesday, September 26, 2018
Market Day
Business & Enterprise,
Market Day,
Sausage Sizzle,
Term 3 2018.,
Week 10
Friday, September 21, 2018
Alchemy Experiment
Today my class and I did an experiment called alchemy. We did it in groups of three or four, in my group there was Ranit and Nykachia. We used 2 ingredients called zinc metal and zinc nitrate solution. We also used copper coin, bunsen burner, tripod, heat mat, gauze mat, 50ml beaker and scissors tongs. The challenging thing about this experiment was trying to pick up the coin while it was in hot zinc nitrate solution. Alchemy is an old study and philosophy of how to change metal into gold. The best part of this experiment was watching the zinc metal and ten cent coin boiling in the zinc nitrate solution. It was really enjoyable and interesting.
What worked well?
For my group something that worked well was us following the instructions, working as a team and helping each other if we were stuck.
What didn't work well?
Our ten cent coin not turning gold like we wanted it too. We probably should have keep holding it over the blue flames.
Alchemy experiment,
Term 3 2018.
Business & Enterprise
My group have finished our poster on Marvelous Rainbow Cupcakes. It's colorful and bright in color. The poster got finished on Thursday period 2. On Friday Addyson and Kortney finished making the poster advertisement that went on the windows and walls of rooms. Me and Addyson put the poster advertisements on the windows and walls of rooms. We have finished everything that needs to be finished today. On Monday we will be making our product that we hope you enjoy.
Business & Enterprise,
Rainbow cupcakes,
Term 3 2018.,
Week 9
Friday, September 14, 2018
Ice Experiment
Today my class and I did an interesting experiment in science. We did it in groups of threes, in my group there was Kody and Matua. We used 3 ingredients called cold water, ice and salt. We also used a match and a beaker. The experiment was really enjoyable and interesting. The challenging part of this experiment was when we had to try and stick the match onto the ice cube. Another challenge was trying to take a photo without water dripping on the chrome book. Our first attempt didn't work but our second attempt did work so we were happy when it worked. The matchstick stuck onto the ice because the ice cube refreezes and freezes in matchstick in place. My group and I really had fun and found it interesting because the matchstick stuck to the ice cube.
Why do we put salt on icy roads?
To stop water, rain and snow from freezing. Salting icy roads and walkways lowers the freezing points of the water. It will helps our waterways from freezing.
Thursday, September 13, 2018
Science - Lava Lamps
Aim: As a group we made lava lamps with 4 ingredient.
The 4 ingredients used: Cold water, vegetable oil, food coloring & quick-eze.
The vegetable oil is lighter than the water so stays on the top of the water.The quick-eze go through the oil into the water and start to dissolve.When they dissolve they send bubbles through the oil.
Here's a picture! 😀
The 4 ingredients used: Cold water, vegetable oil, food coloring & quick-eze.
The vegetable oil is lighter than the water so stays on the top of the water.The quick-eze go through the oil into the water and start to dissolve.When they dissolve they send bubbles through the oil.
Here's a picture! 😀
Cold water,
food colouring,
Lave Lamps,
Term 3 2018.,
Vegetable oil
Business and Enterprise!
Business & Enterprise
This year 7 & 8's are preparing a market day in week 10 for Primary students. For Business & Enterprise people had to choose from categories that there enjoy the most. My group is baking rainbow cupcakes. In my group their is Anneleise, Addyson and Kourtney. CEO of my group is Me, Marketing Manager is Kourtney, Production manager is Anneleise and Sales/Financail manager is Addyson.
Business & Enterprise,
Rainbow cupcakes,
Term 3 2018.
Elephant's Toothpaste

Elephant's Toothpaste
Today my class and I made elephant's toothpaste for science. We worked in groups of 3, in my group I have Levi and Keghan. The experiment was really enjoyable and interesting. You use 4 ingredients hydrogen peroxide, dishwash liquid, dry yeast and food colouring. We used red food colouring. Our elephant toothpaste worked really well and foamed up like it was a meant to.
Dishwash liquid,
Dry yeast,
Elephant toothpaste,
food colouring,
Hydrogen peroxide,
Term 3 2018.
Geometry Knowledge
Today my class and I made this slideshow to show your knowledge about geometry. Geometry is a type of math that is really interesting and can be complicated. Math is fun and it's my favourite subject at school.
Tuesday, September 4, 2018
Comment Challenge
In cybersmart today my class and I made theses googles drawing to get people to comment on your blogs. Please comment on my or my buddy's blog so we can win the comment challenge. To win we need to get the most points.
Comment challenge,
Term 3 2018.
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